Chelsea Freeman
Lead Instructor
Hi. I am Chelsea Freeman, the lead teacher at the Choice High School. I was a TCHS student from 1999 to 2002. Prior to attending TCHS I didn’t like school. I was one of those “weird goth kids” who just didn’t fit in. At one point in my life, I even considered dropping out. Then I found the Choice School. I immediately knew it was the right place for me. The teachers there really cared about who I was as a person, the classes were far more individualized to my skill level, and there was a wonderful family atmosphere to the school. My teachers at the time, John Jones, and Andy Jones were kind and compassionate educators who knew how to teach, counsel, and have fun all in one class period. The Choice School not only helped me to find a place I fit it and felt safe, it fully prepared me for life after high school.
After High School, I attended The Evergreen State College for four years on a full scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Then I earned my Masters In Teaching from the same college. I dreamed of a day where I could teach in a small, alternative school like the one I had attended in high school. I hoped that I could make a difference in the lives of students who really need a caring, supportive and knowledgeable teacher. After graduating, I moved back to Tonasket. Amazingly, after subbing in the district for one year, a teaching position opened up at TCHS and I was hired here. Since moving back I married my husband, whom I had been dating since high school, bought a house and now I have my first child. I am proud to share with my students: Dreams really do come true!
Debra (Debbi) Jones
Para Professional