Reading strategies are not only for fiction books but for non-fiction, text books, magazines, newspapers, web articles, anything that involves reading.
Before you start to Read
1. Preview Text Features
What are text features?
- Title
- Bolding
- Pictures
- Maps
2. Tap Prior Knowledge
How do you do that?
Ask yourself: does it remind you of a person, place, thing, or situation that you have experienced? How did you solve it?
During Reading
1. Question and Predict
How do you question and Predict?
- Always remember the 5 W's: When, who , what, where, and why
- Page through the book. What do you think the story is about? Who do you think the main characters are? Where is the story set in?
- Does the character have a problem she or he needs to solve? How do you think she or he will solve it? Do you think this will be the right choice?
- What are the main ideas of the story with the supporting idea: Who is the main character? Why is she or he the main character?
After You Read
How do you summarize?
- What are the main ideas of the story?
- What are the supporting details?
- Re-read, Re-read, Re-read!

Step One: Task Definition
What is Task Definition?
The 5 W's: who, what, when, where, why
Example: What are the similarities and differences between the ancient cultures of Egypt and India? Which culture would you like to live in and why?
1. What are the economics?
2. What type of weather?
3. What was the government like? Who decided on the government?
4. What type of trade? Where did they trade? Who did they trade too?
What are the key words you will use when searching for information on the computer?
ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient cultures.....
Step Two: Source Selection
Where do I find Sources to find my information?
Identify reliable sources that support Task Definition
Reliable Web Sources:
Proquest, NetTrekker, Groliers, SIRS, NCRL
- Non-fiction
- National Geographic Magazine
- Encyclopedias
Identify reliable sources and location of information that supports your Task Definition.
Always include bibliographies for your research paper!
Example(s) of what your bibliography should look like:
1. Book: Altman,Linda Jacobs. Egyptian Mythology.New York: Oxford. 2003.
2. Magazine: DiRado,Michael. “Through the Eyes of Ancient India”. Discovery. 13 June 2005, 10-12.
3. Website: Hyde,Missie. “What do did Kids do in Ancient Egypt?” Ancient CulturalStudies. (2010): 22 Sept. 2010
Step Three: Information Use
Does your information support your Task Definition?
- Pick out information that will answer task question.
- Highlight and note taking.

Step Four: Organization & Synthesis
Put it all together
- Show how the key points for your research paper are going to be organized to accomplish your task definition.
- Use an outline, mind map, or graphic organizer to help put all of your information together to best answer to essential questions.